Blog Assignment 2

While to some the nature of dreams may come off as either spiritual and reflection of one's inner self, it can also come off as your brain simply trying to process your memories of what happened that day. Most of the time for dreams, it usually is a memory that either has some slight, or a massive amount of exaggeration. But other times, it seems like the human brain may be trying to make up a completely new memory or your brain possibly trying to figure out a problem that you could be having in a different direction that you might have not even considered before. There are even some that say that as you dream, it leaves your mind open so that influences from spiritual, or the supernatural. No matter how absurd it may seem, I do believe in the former of the two options since I feel like there have been times, at least for me, where I feel like I'm being spoken to and shown advice and ways to have closure about any unresolved issues I could be having.
